Christian Dale Apolinario

Christian Dale Apolinario


The best ways to find a business mentor

Man Pointing Laptop Computer

If you are having a hard time finding a business mentor, it’s because you may be looking at the wrong place.

And because others couldn’t find one, it’s sad to hear that they just started a business without having a mentor.

What is a business mentor?

A mentor in business is an experienced entrepreneur or businessman who is willing to share their knowledge with you.

They don’t need to be a successful entrepreneur. It’s a plus if they already have an established business and are successful in doing it.

I just prefer finding business mentors who more experienced than me, no matter how successful they are in doing business.

So when you find someone who is not that successful yet, keep in mind that there’s also a lot to learn from their mistakes.

Why do entrepreneurs need a mentor?

If you’re asking why entrepreneurs need a mentor, then you’re asking the wrong question.

Having a business mentor beside you will help you fill those experience gaps. This simply means that you can avoid a lot of mistakes, just keep doing what’s already been working, and make your journey much faster to having a successful business.

And believe it or not, even successful billionaire entrepreneurs have been seeking help from their mentors as well.

So, how do you find a business mentor?

Reach out to your networks

Reach out to your family and friends that have experience in doing business. Remember, it’s a plus if they are successful already, but not necessary. You would be surprised how excited they are to share their journey and experiences with you.

And if you need some business tips from me, don’t hesitate to drop me a message because I would be happy to help you too 🙂

Indirect mentorship

Not everyone is fortunate to have someone to mentor them. But fortunately, there are ways to find a business mentor even if you do not have one on your networks. And the best way to have one is by having an indirect mentor.

Indirect mentors are persons who aren’t able to offer mentoring in person. Instead, they communicate and offer guidance through outlets such as books, blogs, videos, and more.

I was one of those who was not fortunate to have mentors to guide me in my entrepreneurial journey because I grew up in a community where starting a business wasn’t getting a lot of attention.

Fortunately, I found my mentors when I started reading books and blogs.

Many successful entrepreneurs share their experiences through writing. And even though they may not be with you in person, they are with you in some ways, and you will still be learning a ton from these resources.

And such mentors are hard or almost impossible to connect with in person.

So if you want to learn from Bill Gates, Robert Kiyosaki, and other successful entrepreneurs, you may be able to gain their wisdom through their writing.

And the best way to learn from them is by reading their books and following them on social media.

Final thoughts

Having a mentor is a must-have for every startup. But not everyone is fortunate to have one. So I hope that this article helped you find a mentor who will be able to help you on your entrepreneurial journey.

How did you find your business mentor? Let me know in the comments below.

And if you liked this article, then don’t forget to share it with your friends.


Featured image credit: LinkedIn Sales Navigator

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